Interview with 
Denis Roman,
Fournder and CEO of ISP

Tell us about your professional background and the creation of ISP

During more than 15 years of responsibilities as Purchasing Director, I had the opportunity to forge a real know-how and an international network of partners in the field of purchasing cost reduction, in particular by collaborating with major industrial groups such as Alcatel, Alstom, Thales, Manitowoc.

In my experience, I have found that in outsourced purchasing there is little or no overall service. Most often, companies simply outsource their purchases of non-strategic consumables. In 2003, I decided to create my own structure to meet the purchasing needs of companies: a global capacity combined with real local proximity.

Very quickly we are have become a significant player in supplier sourcing and purchasing outsourcing

In concrete terms, what is the advantage for a company to work with ISP

This can be summarized in 3 words: « Performance, Agility, Savings ». We are proud to make our customers more competitive in their markets by allowing them to adjust their processes through the outsourcing of all or part of their activities, while saving them on their purchasing costs for an equal or higher level of quality. 

Our vocation is to be « the preferred outsourcing partner for companies that want to be more competitive and agile ».

This involves an upstream analysis of global purchasing issues in order to identify potential gains and define a tailor-made purchasing and outsourcing strategy. We work openly with our clients: the benefits are known, the cost of our service is included in the earnings, in total transparency.

What are the strengths of the ISP group?

The ISP group model is built according to the principle of « think global, act local ». This means that we have both transversal purchasing expertise and local subsidiaries on 4 continents, which best serves our customers.

We thus provide them with local support, with the assurance of an organisation that is rigorous and focused on ISO 9001 certified customer service. Today, we are in fact the only group that can claim this positioning with such a light and flexible structure, we have been ISO 9001 certified since 2009 in V2015 since 2017 and – successfully reconfirmed in 2019 – throughout the group.

This quality approach is a permanent challenge that allows us to be always the most efficient and close to our customers.

how do you position your group in the purchasing market

My objective was initially to create a high value-added structure based on expert buyers confirmed and focused mainly on industrial and technical class B purchases.
Very quickly in this support to the world of industry, we noticed that the support functions (back office) had taken a significant and mandatory place, whether in purchasing, sales, quality, or accounting. On the other hand, these services often seemed inadequate in terms of flexibility and cost.

This is why we had the idea of creating a service that offers these functions in a flexible and customised way supports by creating our Outside-BO Business Unit in 2009.

We can therefore offer all the services of an outsourcing partner: purchasing advice, sourcing supplier, component outsourcing or services.

At the customer level, we target both large groups and local SMEs. Today, we continue to develop our structure to carry out our mission. 

We are able to position ourselves very quickly in new markets. In 2007, we had the opportunity to develop our know-how in the supply of chemical products, sector where we were absent and in which we now are among the most competitive in this field. In 2009 in the we entered the Back office, with the same success.

In 2013, development of our first international customer based in Casablanca. 

In 2018, second international customer on the Moroccan market, to date more than 250 orders per month are Processed

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