Supplier Sourcing

Find the best suppliers to meet your 
needs by contacting an expert

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  • Qualified personnel immediately operational
  • Transparency of a low-cost partner
  • Unsurpassed flexibility


For your procurement needs, to broaden your supplier panel, diversify your risks, or even find the optimal supplier, rely on our sourcing service!

Outsourced procurement sourcing: customer benefits



The sourcing that we carry out for your needs has the advantage of being international.
Not only do you have access to more offers, you can buy directly from the source without going through intermediaries and generally it costs you less, but also, by buying at the source, the quality of your products is guaranteed.


Available for sale

Our teams are at your disposal and offer you the best sourcing suppliers at the best price. For your urgent, punctual or recurring needs, efficient and quality purchasing sourcing often makes the difference.



Outsourced Procurement sourcing to save time and agility. By delegating your sourcing for components or services that are the least critical tasks in your business, you free up your time to identify more important and strategic suppliers and you allow yourself the flexibility to delegate or resume directly depending on your activity.

Time gain

Ready to accelerate your growth and results through outsourcing?

Why implement an outsourcing strategy?



Offshore outsourcing allows companies to take advantage of a broader knowledge base and access world-class products, services and know-how.



When properly executed, outsourcing has a significant impact on a company’s cost structure and can generate significant savings.



Companies that implement outsourcing free up internal resources that will be used effectively for other missions.

reduce cost

Need to improve agility, reduce costs or improve your quality?

Ask to be called back by an expert

Why the ISP group outsourcing platform ?

Our responsiveness

offer proximity

Our teams between Lyon and Casablanca offer proximity and outstanding response times

We are certified ISO 9001: 2015

ISO 9001

This standard defines requirements for a quality management system aimed at excellence in terms of customer satisfaction, quality of products and services provided, and coverage of customer risks

We have been in the business since 2003


And our world-renowned industrial customers testify for us

Our values


Transparency, Confidentiality and Perseverance shape our culture


we are specialists in international sourcing; our customers are surprised to find the best products at the best prices
Imane, Key Account manager